Superman returns pc
Superman returns pc

EA should be commended for creating a control system that makes airborne travel such an unbridled pleasure. However, before I start wading into the many faults found within this lazy cash-in, there is time to point out the one thing that Superman Returns really does get right: the flying. Gradually, though, it becomes apparent that this is all you are going to be doing and the inevitable tedium sets in. Missions are highlighted on the map and, for an hour or so, you will be mildly entertained with crushing a few tin can enemies. Instead, you have to deal with lesser villains like the robotic Metallo (clever name) and his legions of robotic warriors. To be honest though, the story only really links to the game in the latter levels, when Lex Luthor’s nefarious scheme comes to fruition. The plot of the film, about the Man of Steel returning to Earth after a wasted journey to Krypton only to find that the people of Metropolis are doing okay without him, is told through some brief CGI sequences (complete with the likeness and voice of each cast member) that pop up from time-to-time. But, with this one great level completed, Superman Returns begins a steady decline to mediocrity that occasionally stumbles into just plain bad territory. As I darted around the sky, zapping at the rocks with Supe’s heat vision, it was easy to think this would turn out to be the best superhero game yet. A meteor shower is heading straight for Metropolis and only Superman (who looks uncannily like his cinematic counterpart, Brandon Routh) can stand in its way. The real shame about EA’s late stab at milking some cash from Bryan Singer’s worthy but not quite blockbusting movie is that it starts out so well. Personally, after spending a few hours playing Superman Returns, I almost wanted to hand my cape back (though I might have kept the lycra suit, it flatters my love handles). Instead, being a superhero is apparently all about beating up an endless parade of spawning robots until life becomes as repetitive as the average nine to five grind. All those comic books, TV shows and movies I watched as a kid made me think having special powers would lead to a life of cool costumes, baddie bashing and swooning ladies. I don’t want to be a superhero anymore it’s too much hard work.

Superman returns pc